Xiamen SAN-U Optronics Co., Ltd.
  • 甲烷激光器传感器:高效、精确的气体检测解决方案
    甲烷激光器传感器:高效、精确的气体检测解决方案 Nov 22, 2024
    导语:在现代工业和环境监测中,气体检测变得越来越重要。其中之一的关键任务是检测甲烷气体浓度,因为甲烷是一种常见的温室气体,对气候变化和环境安全具有重要影响。为了提供高效且精确的气体浓度检测解决方案,甲烷激光器传感器应运而生。本文将介绍甲烷激光器传感器的原理、优势和应用领域。 原理:甲烷激光器传感器基于激光吸收分光光谱技术(TDLAS)。它利用特定波长1653.7nm的激光束通过待测气体中的甲烷分子,测量其吸收光谱。通过测量吸收强度的变化,可以推导出甲烷气体的浓度。这种技术具有高灵敏度、快速响应和高分辨率的特点。           优势:甲烷激光器传感器相比传统的气体传感器具有以下优势: a) 高灵敏度:甲烷激光器传感器对甲烷气体具有高灵敏度,能够检测到极低浓度的甲烷,通常在ppm(百万分之一)或ppb(十亿分之一)级别。 b) 精确性:激光吸收分光光谱技术可以提供高精确性的测量结果,减少了误报和误差。 c) 实时监测:甲烷激光器传感器具备实时监测功能,能够快速响应甲烷泄漏等紧急情况,提高安全性。 d) 长寿命:甲烷激光器传感器使用可靠的激光器光源,具有较长的使用寿命和稳定性。 应用领域:甲烷激光器传感器在各个领域都有广泛的应用,包括但不限于: a) 工业安全:甲烷激光器传感器可以用于石油、天然气和化工等领域的甲烷泄漏监测,提供快速响应,确保工作环境的安全。 b) 环境监测:甲烷是一种温室气体,对气候变化具有重要影响。甲烷激光器传感器可用于大气监测、温室气体排放监测等环境应用,帮助评估和减少甲烷排放。 c) 矿山安全:在矿山作业中,甲烷是一种常见的可燃气体,容易引发爆炸。甲烷激光器传感器可以用于甲烷气体检测和报警,保障矿工的安全。 d) 气体能源探测:甲烷是天然气的主要成分,甲烷激光器传感器可用于天然气勘探和井下操作,提供关键的气体浓度信息。 结语:甲烷激光器传感器作为一种高效、精确的气体检测解决方案,正在广泛应用于工业和环境领域。其高灵敏度、精确性和实时监测功能使其成为提高安全性和环境监测水平的重要工具。随着技术的不断进步,甲烷激光器传感器将继续发展,并在更多领域发挥作用,促进可持续发展和境保护。
  • New industrial park helps product transformation, 400G/800G OEM services debut in the industry
    New industrial park helps product transformation, 400G/800G OEM services debut in the industry Sep 20, 2023
    During the 2023 CIOE, Xiamen SAN-U Optronics Co., Ltd. (referred to as SAN-U Optronics), a provider of high-speed semiconductor lasers/detectors and optical transceiver components, showcased a series of 25G/50G/100G optical devices and COB optical engine products, which are widely used in fields such as cloud computing, optical communication, fiber to the home, sensing and detection, and LiDAR. Dr. Li Ling, Chairman of Sanyou Optoelectronics, was interviewed by Xunshi Optical Communication Network on site. She stated that the company mainly exhibited three major application products, data communication, optical sensing, and airtight packaging, at this year's CIOE China Optical Expo, showcasing the leading intelligent manufacturing platform for optoelectronic devices in China. The products have received high-end attention from industry customers. In terms of data communication, SAN-U Optronics has successfully expanded its 400G/800G OEM services based on its existing high-speed optical engine technology product foundation. With the explosion of AI computing power connectivity in 2023, the demand for 800G optical communication has exceeded everyone's expectations. The entire industry is preparing sufficient materials for the delivery of 800G products, among which 400G/800G high-speed chips are still the most scarce key materials in the supply chain, bringing a new round of development opportunities for domestic optoelectronic chips. After more than 20 years of development, Sanyou Optoelectronics' optoelectronic chip packaging platform has been widely certified by the industry and customers. It can provide industry-leading chip packaging services and help accelerate the industrialization of domestic chips. In terms of optical sensing, SAN-U Optronics mainly researches and manufactures laser and MEMS sensor products. The company team has conducted in-depth research and development in this new field, and has achieved market breakthroughs in a series of products such as LiDAR, methane gas detection lasers/detectors, MEMS micro pump bio chip packaging and bio printing chip products, and fast detection chip products, receiving good customer feedback. In the context of weak traditional single market, the sensing market has provided strong performance support for the company. In addition, in terms of the application of airtight packaging technology, SAN-U Optronics has successfully introduced airtight packaging technology into the field of third-generation semiconductor materials, mainly in the new energy industry dominated by silicon carbide (SiC). With the prosperity of the new energy vehicle industry, silicon carbide has become the hottest semiconductor material, and related domestic silicon carbide materials and devices are rapidly rising.


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